Thursday, October 22, 2009

Work Day Thoughts

So far, I have made some decent progress in my design project, studying addiction and how it affects a person's behavior. I was having some trouble coming up with an idea that related to design in this area, instead of just performing an experiment and analyzing/reporting the data I got back.
In light of the great book tutorials that have been demonstrated in class by some of our talented peers, I have decided to design a booklet that will allow for people in treatment to map out their day-to-day activities and how they relate to their recovery. One specific point I will be attempting to unveil is how specifically exercise and physical activity affects their recovery, since it has been proven that this is one of the most effective ways of returning a person with an addictive personality back to a more normal physical and mental state of being. Exercise has also been shown to help the chemistry of the brain become more balanced; most addicts have very unbalanced brain chemistry.
I have been attending meetings myself along with some friends to gain a more personal insight to the routine of an addict, and have selected a few people whom which I will give a booklet to. Obviously, it is up to the other people to use the book and see if it actually helps them at all. I am hoping that I can finish designing something that will not seem too daunting and overbearing, and just ask them to map out and record perhaps three days as a starting point. If someone feels that it has actually benefited them to have the short version of the planner, I can make a more extended version for them. I have a feeling if I gave them a month long day planner and asked about very specific details, I would wind up with almost no usable results, but as long as it remains relatively simple and I can convince them that I am just trying to help and leave that up to them to decide, it will be a success. At least one person I have spoke with is somewhat looking forward to my booklet... :)
Other than that, I will post pictures of my booklet making process when I finalize my design!


1 comment:

  1. iPhone app...go to iTunes for examples of logs for sports, dieting, etc.
